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Make a good deed with a simple gesture


Haga el bien, comience con un simple gesto

Faça o bem, comece com um gesto simples

Nós brasileiros somos conhecidos pela maneira comunicativa e receptiva que acolhemos aqueles que chegam em nosso país.


Brazilians are known for their warm receptiveness in welcoming those who come to Brazil.

El pueblo brasileño es conocido por la forma comunicativa y receptiva con que recibe a quienes vienen a su país. 


Aqui encontramos diferentes povos, raças e culturas que convivem mutuamente com suas diferenças.

Somos um povo resiliente ao enfrentar muitos desafios diários, tais como pobreza, baixa renda, violência social, corrupção, falta de condições e recursos para a educação e saúde.

Brazil is full of different people, races and cultures that, with their differences, coexist mutually.


A resilient people in their way of facing many daily challenges, such as poverty, low income, social violence, corruption, lack of conditions and resources for education and health.


O Brasil está lleno de diferentes personas, razas y culturas que, con sus diferencias, coexisten mutuamente.


Son personas resilientes en su forma de enfrentar muchos desafíos diarios, como la pobreza, los bajos ingresos, la violencia social, la corrupción, la falta de condiciones y recursos para la educación y la salud.


Ainda assim, como em muitas partes do mundo, vivenciamos todos os dias conflitos, desafios em relação aos valores éticos e morais, incertezas sociais e intolerância que estão levando um número grande de habitantes ao estresse, ansiedade e depressão. Esses indicadores, sem dúvida, reforçam a importância da contribuição de cada um de nós para o desenvolvimento de um ambiente mais saudável e sustentável.  Nesse cenário, construir bases sólidas que preservem a cultura de fazer o bem – que incentivem práticas de não violência, de conviver e aceitar o próximo com suas diferenças, que ensinem como cultivar virtudes e conviver em harmonia, que mostrem a importância de promover a paz e o respeito mútuo – são o instrumento para construirmos um futuro mais pacífico e compassivo. Valores compartilhados também pela filosofia budista.

Yet, as in many parts of the world, Brazil is experiencing conflicts every day, challenges regarding ethical and moral values, social uncertainties, and intolerance that are driving people to stress, anxiety, and depression. These indicators reinforce the importance of contributing to develop a more healthier and sustainable environment. With that in mind, we want to help build a solid foundation of doing good. Creating a culture that encourages nonviolent practices, acceptance, teaching and cultivating virtues and harmony among differences, show the importance of promoting peace and mutual respect - providing the instrument for building a more peaceful and compassionate future. Values ​​also shared by Buddhist philosophy.

Sin embargo, como en muchas partes del mundo, Brasil experimenta conflictos todos los días, desafíos relacionados con los valores éticos y morales, las incertidumbres sociales y la intolerancia que están llevando a las personas al estrés, la ansiedad y la depresión. Indudablemente, estos indicadores refuerzan la importancia de que cada uno de nosotros y nosotras contribuyamos al desarrollo de un entorno más saludable y sostenible.  En este escenario, construir bases sólidas que preserven una cultura de hacer el bien- que incentiven prácticas de no violencia, de convivir y aceptar al prójimo con sus diferencias, que enseñen como cultivar virtudes y convivir en armonía, que muestren la importancia de promover la paz y el respeto mutuo- son los instrumentos para que construyamos un futuro más pacífico y compasivo. Estos valores son compartidos también por la filosofía budista.

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Hoje, estamos aqui para solicitar sua valiosa contribuição para a construção de um lugar que tem a intenção de propagar valores, o Templo Budista Tibetano Chagdud Gonpa Dordje Ling, localizado na cidade de Curitiba, capital do Paraná, sul do Brasil.

Today, we are here to ask for your valuable contribution to build a place that intends to propagate values, the Tibetan Buddhist Temple Chagdud Gonpa Dordje Ling, located in the city of Curitiba, capital of Paraná, southern Brazil.

Hoy, estamos aquí para solicitar su valiosa contribución para construir un lugar que tiene la intención de propagar valores, el Templo Budista Tibetano Chagdud Gonpa Dordje Ling, ubicado en la ciudad de Curitiba, capital de Paraná, en el sur de Brasil.

Juntos formamos uma poderosa corrente de boas ações, se cada um vocês contribuir com R$21 e, gentilmente, repassar essa mensagem para um amigo ou familiar com a aspiração de fazer o bem, vamos expandir nossa arrecadação para a construção do Dordje Ling com sua generosa contribuição. 

Contribua com

R$ 21,00


Together we form a powerful chain of good deeds, if you each of you contribute $ 21 and kindly pass this message on to a friend or family member with the aspiration to do good, we will expand our revenue to build Dordje Ling with your generous contribution. 

US$ 21,00

Contribute with


Juntos formamos una poderosa cadena de buenas acciones, si cada uno de ustedes contribuye con $ 21 y amablemente pasa este mensaje a una amistad o familiar con la aspiración de hacer el bien, ampliando así nuestros ingresos para construir Dordje Ling con su generosa contribución. 

Contribuir a 

US$ 5,00

Doação 21
Both visits to and volunteer work on the construction of the temple are not yet allowed because of health and safety standards regulating construction projects in our Brazil.
If you aspire to volunteer in the building of the temple, we suggest you sign up on our site to receive periodic updates of the construction process, and when the moment arrives, we will inform you about the possibilities of volunteer work.

Acesse aqui e conheça o Dordje Ling e todos os detalhes da construção templo:

Click here to learn about Dordje Ling and all the details of the temple building:

Haga clic aquí para aprender sobre Dordje Ling y todos los detalles de la construcción del templo:

Both visits to and volunteer work on the construction of the temple are not yet allowed because of health and safety standards regulating construction projects in our Brazil.
If you aspire to volunteer in the building of the temple, we suggest you sign up on our site to receive periodic updates of the construction process, and when the moment arrives, we will inform you about the possibilities of volunteer work.
Both visits to and volunteer work on the construction of the temple are not yet allowed because of health and safety standards regulating construction projects in our Brazil.
If you aspire to volunteer in the building of the temple, we suggest you sign up on our site to receive periodic updates of the construction process, and when the moment arrives, we will inform you about the possibilities of volunteer work.
Both visits to and volunteer work on the construction of the temple are not yet allowed because of health and safety standards regulating construction projects in our Brazil.
If you aspire to volunteer in the building of the temple, we suggest you sign up on our site to receive periodic updates of the construction process, and when the moment arrives, we will inform you about the possibilities of volunteer work.

Volunteers for the construction

Both visits to and volunteer work on the construction of the temple are not yet allowed because of health and safety standards regulating construction projects in our Brazil.
If you aspire to volunteer in the building of the temple, we suggest you sign up on our site to receive periodic updates of the construction process, and when the moment arrives, we will inform you about the possibilities of volunteer work.
Both visits to and volunteer work on the construction of the temple are not yet allowed because of health and safety standards regulating construction projects in our Brazil.
If you aspire to volunteer in the building of the temple, we suggest you sign up on our site to receive periodic updates of the construction process, and when the moment arrives, we will inform you about the possibilities of volunteer work.

Volunteers for the construction

Both visits to and volunteer work on the construction of the temple are not yet allowed because of health and safety standards regulating construction projects in our Brazil.
If you aspire to volunteer in the building of the temple, we suggest you sign up on our site to receive periodic updates of the construction process, and when the moment arrives, we will inform you about the possibilities of volunteer work.
Both visits to and volunteer work on the construction of the temple are not yet allowed because of health and safety standards regulating construction projects in our Brazil.
If you aspire to volunteer in the building of the temple, we suggest you sign up on our site to receive periodic updates of the construction process, and when the moment arrives, we will inform you about the possibilities of volunteer work.

Volunteers for the construction

Both visits to and volunteer work on the construction of the temple are not yet allowed because of health and safety standards regulating construction projects in our Brazil.
If you aspire to volunteer in the building of the temple, we suggest you sign up on our site to receive periodic updates of the construction process, and when the moment arrives, we will inform you about the possibilities of volunteer work.
Both visits to and volunteer work on the construction of the temple are not yet allowed because of health and safety standards regulating construction projects in our Brazil.
If you aspire to volunteer in the building of the temple, we suggest you sign up on our site to receive periodic updates of the construction process, and when the moment arrives, we will inform you about the possibilities of volunteer work.
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Who we are

Chagdud Gonpa Dordje Ling is a Buddhist center founded by His Eminence Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche and it is located in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.

Construction of the Temple


Telephone Number

 +55 (41) 3223-5666

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