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Dordje Ling, Templo Budista Curitiba, Práticas Budistas



Dordje Ling has an extensive calendar of practices, to participate in our activities it is necessary to make a previous registration, we kindly ask you to fill out the form - then you will receive an email with all the necessary guidelines to attend our teachings and practices.

General information

Construction of the Temple

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620, Dr. Roberto Barrozo Street

São Francisco • Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil –  CEP 80520-070

Telephone number (41)  3223-5666

Get there

Contato Dordje Ling, Templo Budista Curitiba, Budismo Vajrayana
Dordje Ling, Templo budista Curitiba, Chagdud Gonpa Dordje Ling,

Who we are

Chagdud Gonpa Dordje Ling is a Buddhist center founded by His Eminence Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, located in Curitiba.

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Chagdud Gonpa Dordje Ling has an extensive schedule of practices, to participate in our activities we recommend you sign up on our website.

Soon after, you will receive an e-mail with all the necessary instructions.

Telephone number

 +55 (41) 3223-5666

Contato Dodje Ling, Templo Budista em Curitiba, Chagdud Gonpa Brasil

General information

Construction of the Temple

Chagdud Gonpa Brasil Dordje Ling – 620, Dr. Roberto Barrozo St.– São Francisco, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil   CEP 80520-070 – CNPJ 00.990.708/0004-80

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